Friday, September 23, 2005

Donde esta el habito?

Yes, we've been gone for a while.....something about vanishing bassists, babies, engagement rings, new schools, old schools, and general other misadventures.

The king of self-absorption has pryed his eyes away from looking himself in the mirror long enough to cement his engagement in the most traditional way. Join me in congratulating both Jen and Phil.

Ann and Brian are back in school... I don't envy them.

And yes, I have a new baby, and new ability to post stream-of-conciousness blather on the Habit blog. Phil doesn't know what he's gotten himself into.

We're on our way back to filling your ears with our brand of sex-infused rock. We'll be at DC9 on October 5th.....come join us in the carnal pleasure of la musica del habito malo.



At 1:34 PM, Blogger Phil Rossi said...

The ramblings of a madman.


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